Falsely Called “Knowledge”‘?

Our world ironically spinsharried children, women, and men as hurricane winds of aspiring mindsand fluctuating trends bend to breaking pointhonest hearts weakened, yet hoping and prayingfor communities to mendmorally/or not by radicallydefending ‘personal’‘righteous/unrighteous’‘laws/principles’: But, “why do you judge your brother?Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we will all stand before … More Falsely Called “Knowledge”‘?

Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (18) 1st draft

A pulsating dark
demonic rhythm;
yet glorious
as northern lights
hither then dither.

These I beautifully suffer
as silent hymns–
a dirge. My urgings to

the exhilarating
of forever love

into valleys steep.

The vivid visuals
of orange
and other range
of cascading colors


in the
swirling of
my crippling despair.

I inhale sharply

as the pressure
from deep

this regrettably

The supreme
red drippings

from past dilated pupils

mingling the blues
of my spirit

sprout royal purple

as pathetic
escape my throat.

I hope…
yes wish

for freeing
release of your


Once crazed
I lazily sink dazed

hasty to end this
lonely month

in which lovers

over forgotten lunch
too amorously near

for me to enviously peer.
More Marching On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina (18) 1st draft

Imagine a Reversal

A teacher helping fidgety students pass a rainy recess with a familiar game — don’t touch the floor, it’s lava! — finds that the ability to pretend takes on an unexpected gravity. via ‘Because pretending was sometimes the only way to get through the day.’ — Longreads This story poignantly told, a tragic account of our … More Imagine a Reversal


Bells attest to classes renewed. Literacy, instructions, education to imbue a populace happy or entirely non-enthused.Done vacations till this semester ends. Teacher’s indigestion or anxiety not to rescind unless attuned to that minority on which energies delighted hopes do pend as curriculum planners dedicatedly do pen for them that inspire their juices to flow as … More Life

Tomorrow’s Game

    Overhead heard not a word with brakes screeching around the curve sharp and bitter to one’s hearing initially, a causing fear the tracks casting darkness long-lasting as a breeze whips up combined, sublime fragrances of business dames toting all the famous wealthy names, as China-town duplicates with dimes slim fingers nimble eyes squinting … More Tomorrow’s Game