Limping. . .

Crooked tongues
falsehoods spin

as deadly threads

until trap is spun
by deceitfulness led.

Limping upon “two opinions”
leads not to endless life,

but utmost dread;

since gravedom calls out
by hunger fed:

“The Grave and the place of destruction
are never satisfied”. Prov. 27:20.


“How long will you be limping
between two different opinions?

Or “on two crutches.”

If Jehovah is the true God, follow him;
but if Baʹal is, follow him!” 1 Kings 18:21. … More Limping. . .

Soon . . . Just YOU Being You, With All Our Various Hues


What are you?… Black, White, Latino too?
Who’s your mom, dad, grandparents?
Which side do you choose?

Curious… Why?… Who sets the rules?

DNA crosses human lines
because Adam and Eve held eggs for us all
to look different.


Is anyone available to recall
what they looked like?

Do you think they looked the same?…
Then how would they react
at each child’s birth

when from them all nationalities came? … More Soon . . . Just YOU Being You, With All Our Various Hues

A Striking Contrast Now Being Screened

O’ ‘Most Handsome’ One

whose tongue
of silk and honey

since “Gracious speech
flows from your lips”

melting hearts hardened
by shunning and sin…

Your words winsome
won over


who’ve greatly pinned them
since spun

from heaven’s throne.

This ‘Word’–
a ‘beloved’ Son

will have received his beauteous
composite ‘bride’ of “the 144, 000,

who have been bought from the earth.”
Singing a lovely ‘new song’.

“Out of every tribe
and tongue and people and nation,

and you made them to be a kingdom
and priests to our God,

and they are to rule as kings
over the earth.” Rev. 14:3; 5:9, 10. … More A Striking Contrast Now Being Screened

Hope Renewed

As each night approaches
my hope goes through changes.

Shadows ensue.
My faith it pursues.

Saddened I become.
For my confidence proceeds to falter.

Since felt delayed
a particular hope.

“Expectation postponed makes the heart sick,

But a desire realized
is a tree of life”. Pro. 13:12.

To impatience I imperfectly
succumb. Wrestling everyday to stay positive and strong
before onlookers of my fate.

Why must I endure this humiliation,
inwardly I ask;

although, … More Hope Renewed

Forever. . . Always. . .

Bask me


as Kashmir’s hair spun

to blanket one
underneath it

I remain,

even after
a tumultuous storm


by flashings
of jagged light

midnight drawn.

Blackest ink
eased to lighten,

until this
‘New Day’.


tons of water
upon sandy beaches,

cement streets.

Verdant plains
thirsty, quenched.

Vibrant blossoms
reach upwards or out.

Rendered tears
from widened eyes

each artistic horizon

whirling reds, blues,
golden hues,

while ears perk to rustles
sweet, gentle

variant skins


Loving one another…

Seated together.
Dining together.

foods exquisite




in their image
we were made…


“Let us
make man

in our image,

according to
our likeness”.

Forever… Always… … More Forever. . . Always. . .