Hope Renewed

As each night approaches
my hope goes through changes.

Shadows ensue.
My faith it pursues.

Saddened I become.
For my confidence proceeds to falter.

Since felt delayed
a particular hope.

“Expectation postponed makes the heart sick,

But a desire realized
is a tree of life”. Pro. 13:12.

To impatience I imperfectly
succumb. Wrestling everyday to stay positive and strong
before onlookers of my fate.

Why must I endure this humiliation,
inwardly I ask;

although, … More Hope Renewed

Transformed (contest ‘Therefore, I urge you…’ Rom. 12:1-2 70 Words)

“Wickedness, greed, and badness,
being full of envy, murder, strife,”

cloaked by darkness;

life precious.

Down this path chosen
a mind or heart mistakenly

‘in control’.

Yet, called ‘children of wrath’
makes a strong statement:


a belligerent soul.

But when we “quit
being fashioned
after this system”

to end soon;

clothe ourselves
in humility

a Holy Creator
He’ll us befriend

after transformed:

warmth brotherly
from inhumanly cold. … More Transformed (contest ‘Therefore, I urge you…’ Rom. 12:1-2 70 Words)

Falsely Called “Knowledge”‘?

Our world ironically spinsharried children, women, and men as hurricane winds of aspiring mindsand fluctuating trends bend to breaking pointhonest hearts weakened, yet hoping and prayingfor communities to mendmorally/or not by radicallydefending ‘personal’‘righteous/unrighteous’‘laws/principles’: But, “why do you judge your brother?Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we will all stand before … More Falsely Called “Knowledge”‘?