


Why, Lost, the little girl, lies a field crying
Among thorns, thistles, broken–not trying;
Yet, Despair, a cancerous lad confined
Smiles radiates hearts of even the blind?

Lost believed her bubbles blown, flown, would last.
Til a hot sun popped each into a past.
While, Despair, held firm and staunch for a cure.
His faith and hope shown through eyes simply pure.

Bubbles lift up spirits briefly, then fade;
Since created of no substance solid.
But promises based on Truths, not Lies, made
Anchor souls through trials supremely horrid.

God foretold Endless life. God can Not die.
On Earth in paradise. God “can Not lie.”
So “Hope in Jehovah; be Courageous.”
“Let your heart be strong.” Your Joy contagious.

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