‘Is It a Trivial Thing?’ (1st draft)

‘Is It a Trivial Thing?’ (1st draft)



may become

as a black

a dark


as Amazon Basin’s

biological community



quite unseen
while under spiritual attack;


its trails

in a curvaceous


to Satan’s world’s
physical environment

regional climate
of fluctuating ‘trends’



any intense
internal desire
for wickedness

to desist

since exists
snappy tragic
news ‘breaks’

or unsweetened

which cycle foolish thinking:
“Jehovah is not seeing.’” Ezek. 9:9.

As one creeps

then drops to their knees
behind calloused barks

to hollowed out trees
within a fog of unbelieving.

Finally to slip in tip toe
away swiftly

for day’s

is avoided
like a lowsome

“Their deeds are done
in a dark place,

While they say: “Who sees us?
Who knows about us?”
 Isa. 29:15.

Jehovah said to Ezekiel: “Son of man,
do you see this?

Is it a trivial thing for the house of Judah
to do these detestable things,

to fill the land with violence
and keep offending me?

Here they are thrusting out the branch*

(*Apparently a branch used in idolatrous worship.)

to my nose.

So I will act in rage.”
 Ezek. 8:17, 18.

“He then called out in my ears
with a loud voice, saying:

“Summon those who will bring punishment
on the city,

each one with his weapon for destruction in his hand!”

I saw six men coming from the direction of the upper gate
that faces north,

each with his weapon for smashing in his hand;

and there was one man among them clothed in linen,
with a secretary’s inkhorn at his waist,

and they came in and stood beside the copper altar.

Then the glory of the God of Israel rose from where it had rested above the cherubs and moved to the threshold of the doorway of the house,

and he began calling out to the man who was clothed in linen,
at whose waist was the secretary’s inkhorn.

Jehovah said to him: “Go through the city, through Jerusalem,
and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city.”

And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.

Old man, young man, virgin, little child, and women you should kill off completely.

But do not go near to any man on whom there is the mark.

You should start from my sanctuary.”

So they started with the elders
who were in front of the house.

Then he said to them: “Defile the house
and fill the courtyards with the slain.


So they went out
and struck down people in the city.”
 Ezek. 9:1-7.


As in the past: “Then when Jehovah passes through to plague the Egyptians and sees the blood on the upper part of the doorway and on the two doorposts,

Jehovah will certainly pass over the entrance,

and he will not allow the plague of death
to enter into your houses.”
 Ex. 12:23.


Then the two spies said to Rehab: “We will be free from guilt respecting this oath that you made us swear

unless, when we come into the land,
you tie this cord of scarlet thread in the window by which you let us down.

You should gather your father, your mother, your brothers, and all your father’s household with you into the house.

Then if anyone goes out the doors of your house into the open, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be free from guilt.

But if harm comes to anyone who remains with you in the house, his blood will be on our heads.

But if you report our mission,

we will be free from guilt respecting your oath that you made us swear.”

She replied: “Let it be according to your words.” 
Joshua 2:17-21.


“And he rescued righteous Lot,

who was greatly distressed
by the brazen conduct of the lawless people—

for day after day that righteous man
was tormenting his righteous soul

over the lawless deeds that he saw and heard
while dwelling among them.” 
2 Pet. 2:7, 8.


Yes, “There also came to be false prophets among the people,
as there will also be false teachers among you.

These will quietly bring in destructive sects,
and they will even disown the owner who bought them,

bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.

Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct,
and because of them the way of the truth

will be spoken of abusively.

Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words.

But their judgment, decided long ago,
is not moving slowly,

and their destruction is not sleeping.”
2 Pet. 2:1-3.

For: “Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion
out of trial,

but to reserve unrighteous people to be destroyed
on the day of judgment,

especially those who seek to defile the flesh of others
and who despise authority.” 2 Pet. 2:9, 10.

2024 “Declare the Good News!” Convention Program

Photo credit:  © 10 mins ago, Lucretia McCloud    society • sad • teen • spiritual • hope • love   

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