Limping. . .

Limping. . .

“The deliverer will come out of Zion

and turn away ungodly practices from Jacob.

And this is my covenant with them,
when I take their sins away.”

True, with respect to the good news,
they are enemies for your sakes;

but with respect to God’s choosing,

they are beloved
for the sake of their forefathers.

For the gifts and the calling of God
are not things he will regret.

For just as you were once disobedient to God
but have now been shown mercy

because of their disobedience,

so also these now have been disobedient
with mercy resulting to you,

so that they themselves may also now be shown mercy.

For God has confined all of them together
in disobedience

so that he might show all of them mercy.

“O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge!

How unsearchable his judgments are

and beyond tracing out his ways are!

For “who has come to know Jehovah’s mind, or who has become his adviser?”

Or, “who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?”

Because from him and by him and for him are all things.

To him be the glory forever.

 Rom. 11:11;25-36.Originally written here:

Prov. 6:12-15:
12  A useless and wicked man walks about with crooked speech;
13  He winks with his eye,j signals with his foot, and motions with his fingers.
14  With a perverted heart,
He is always scheming evilk and spreading contentions.
15  Therefore, his disaster will come suddenly;
In a moment he will be broken beyond healing.
16  There are six things that Jehovah hates;
Yes, seven things that he detests:
17  Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,o and hands that shed innocent blood,
18  A heart plotting wicked schemes, and feet that run quickly to evil,
19  A false witness who lies with every breath,
And anyone sowing contentions among brothers. © 1 hour ago, Lucretia McCloud    society • sad • teen • spiritual • hope • love   

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